Trust deed (real estate)

In real estate in the United States, a trust deed or deed of trust is a deed wherein legal title in real property is transferred to a trustee, which holds it as security for a loan (debt) between a borrower and lender. The borrower is referred to as the trustor, while the lender is referred to as the beneficiary of the trust deed.

Transactions involving trust deeds are normally structured so that the lender gives the borrower/trustor the money to buy the property, the seller executes a grant deed giving the property to the trustor, and the borrower/trustor immediately executes a trust deed giving the property to the trustee to be held in trust for the lender/beneficiary. Trust deeds differ from mortgages in that trust deeds always involve at least three parties, where the third party holds the legal title, while in the context of mortgages, the mortgagor gives legal title directly to the mortgagee.[1] In either case, equitable title remains with the borrower.

A trust deed is normally recorded with the recorder or county clerk for the county where the property is located as evidence of and security for the debt. The act of recording provides constructive notice to the world that the property has been encumbered.[2] When the debt is fully paid, the beneficiary is required by law to promptly direct the trustee to transfer the property back to the trustor by reconveyance, thus releasing the security for the debt.[3]

Trust deeds are the most common instrument used in the financing of real estate purchases in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, the District of Columbia, Idaho, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, and West Virginia, whereas most other states use mortgages. Besides purchases, deeds of trust can also be used for loans made for other kinds of purposes where real estate is merely offered as collateral, and are also used to secure performance of contracts other than loans.

Power of sale and trustee's sale

A deed of trust has a crucial advantage over a mortgage. If the borrower defaults on the loan, the trustee has the power to foreclose on the property on behalf of the beneficiary. In most U.S. states, a deed of trust (but not a mortgage) can contain a special "power of sale" clause that permits the trustee to exercise these powers. Here is the standard conveyance clause from a Freddie Mac "uniform instrument":

Borrower irrevocably grants and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the following described property...[4]

In the states that enforce "power of sale" clauses, the courts have uniformly held that by executing a deed of trust with a "power of sale" clause, the borrower has authorized the trustee to conduct a nonjudicial foreclosure in the event of default.[5] That is, unlike a mortgage, the lender need not sue the borrower in a state court; instead, the lender/beneficiary merely directs the trustee to mail (or serve, publish, or record) certain notices required by law, culminating in a "trustee's sale" at which the trustee auctions the property to the highest bidder. The borrower's equitable title normally terminates automatically by operation of law (under applicable statutes or case law) at the trustee's sale. The trustee then issues a deed conveying the legal and equitable title to the property in fee simple to the highest bidder. In turn, the successful bidder records the deed and becomes the owner of record. Thus, the advantage of deeds of trust is that the lender can recover the value of the collateral for the loan much more quickly, and without the expense and uncertainty of suing the borrower, which is why lenders overwhelmingly prefer such deeds to mortgages.

The time periods for the "trustee's sale" or "power of sale" foreclosure process vary dramatically between jurisdictions. Some states have very short timelines. For example, in Virginia, it can be as short as two weeks. In California, a nonjudicial foreclosure takes a minimum of approximately 112 days from start to finish. The process starts only when the lender or trustee records a "notice of default" no matter how long the loan payments have been unpaid. For certain home loans made between 2003 and 2007, because of current economic conditions, California law was amended to add a temporary additional 60 days to the process.


Though a mortgage is technically an entirely different legal instrument, trust deeds are frequently called mortgages in the real estate loan business due to the functional similarity between trust deeds and mortgages.

Although a deed of trust usually states that the borrower is making an "irrevocable" transfer to the trustee, it is common in many jurisdictions for borrowers to obtain second and third mortgages or trust deeds that make similar transfers to additional trustees (that is, of a property they already conveyed to the trustee on their first deed of trust). As with mortgages, deeds of trust are subject to the rule "first in time, first in right," meaning that the beneficiary of the first recorded deed of trust may foreclose and wipe out all junior deeds of trust recorded later in time. If this happens, the junior debt still exists, but becomes unsecured. If the debtor has sufficient senior secured claims upon his assets, the junior liens may be wiped out completely in bankruptcy.


  1. ^ Dupee v. Rose, 10 Utah 305, 37 Pac. 567 (1894). This case mentions the difference between three-party deeds of trust and two-party mortgages.
  2. ^ Pacific Trust Co. TTEE v. Fidelity Federal Sav. & Loan Ass'n, 184 Cal. App. 3d 817, 229 Cal. Rptr. 269 (1986).
  3. ^ Bartold v. Glendale Federal Bank, 81 Cal. App. 4th 816, 97 Cal. Rptr. 2d 226 (2000).
  4. ^ Examples are available at Freddie Mac Single-Family Uniform Instruments.
  5. ^ Apao v. Bank of New York, 324 F.3d 1091 (9th Cir. 2003); Bryant v. Jefferson Federal Sav. & Loan Ass'n, 509 F.2d 511 (D.C. Cir. 1974).